12th issue
Dear readers!
Our magazine’s current issue is dedicated to the memory of an exceptional writer, literary translator and stylist of the Hungarian language. Ferenc Kazinczy was born 250 years ago, and without him Hungarian as we know it today would be hard to imagine. Edina Dragaschnig from the editors’ team went to visit Széphalom, starting point of the language renewal headed by Kazinczy and location of today’s museum of the Hungarian language. Turn to the regional studies section for her colourful report on the museum and its many exhibits.
Exercises under the heading Fókuszban also have to do with the Hungarian language.
Our sincere thanks go to caricaturist and artist Ferenc Sajdik whose drawings about Hungarian idioms will no doubt bring a few smiles to students’ faces.
The editors went to the University of Osaka, Japan in November to give a methodology lecture at a conference on “socio-cultural interference in Hungarian language studies“, using examples from texts and exercises in our magazine. Several articles in the current issue are dedicated to our experiences there.
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They’ll be surprised!
Best wishes for a Happy New Year from all of us at the editor’s office!
Tünde Kovács